
时间:2010-06-08 浏览:5813 作者:乾进国际物流
FCAFree Carrier
FASFree Alongside Ship
FOBFree On Board
CFRCost and Freight
CIFCost,Insurance and Freight
CPTCarriage Paid To
CIPCarriage and insurance Paid To
DAFDelivered At Frontier
DESDelivered Ex Ship
DEQDelivered Ex Quay
DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid
DDPDelivered Duty Paid
ANFArrival Notification Form
Athens ConventionInternational Convention Governing carrier\`s liability for passengers and their luggage
BAFBuker Adjustment Factor
BIMCOBaltic and International Maritime Council
B/LBill of Lading
Bonded WarehouseA place of security approved by the custom authorities for the deposit, keeping and securing og goods liable to excise duty, with
BoxA colloqial name for a container
BoxtimeA standard BIMCO time charter for container ships
Break Bulk CargoGoods shipped loose in the vessel\`s hold and not in containers.
CABAFCurrency and bunker adjustment factor
CAFCurrency and bunker adjustment factor
C/BContainer Base
C&ECustoms and Excise
C&FCost and Freight
CFRCost and Freight
CFSContainer Freight Station,also Depot
CHIEFCustoms Handling of Import and Exports Freight
CIFCost,Insurance and Freight
CIMInternation Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Rail
CMIComite Martime International
CMRInternational Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Road
COGSACarriage of Goods by Sea Act,U.K.
COTCustomer\`s Own Transport
COUClip on Unite
CPTCarriage Paid To
CRNCustom Register Number
CSCContainer Safety Convention
CTCombined Transport
CTDCombined Transprotion Document
CYContainer Yard
Vienna ConventionA 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
WaybillA bill od lading that acts aas receipt for the goods and evidence of the contract of carriage
Certificate of OriginA document certifying the ducoment of originof goods
CellularA term used to describle the hold configuration of purpose built container ships equippied with cell guides into which the containers fit
Closing DateLast date for which goods can be accepted for a nominated sailing
ConferenceAn organisation of a group of shipping lines opersting in one trade who have agreed to operate a common tariff
ConsortiumA gtoup of CTO who agree to rationalise sailings in a trade and carry each others cargo
DEPSDepartmental Entry Processing system - the current computerised Customs entry processing system to be replaced by CHIEF
DGNDangerous Goods Note
DOTDepartment of Trade-governmental department with responsibility for shipping and trade
Delivery OrderA document authorising delivery to a nominated party of goods in the care of a third party
DemurrageA charge raised for detaining a vessel,cargo or FCL
DetentionA charge raised for detaining cargo,containers or trailers for a longer period than provided for in the tariff
Documentary CreditThe basis of international trade by means of which payment is made against surrender of specified documents
DrawbackRepayment of a duty upon re-exportation of goods previously imported
ECUEuropean Currency United - a financial unit used for EEC accoounting
EDIElectronic Date Interchange
EDISHIPAn organisation for exchanging data between carriers and merchants by electronic means
EDPElectronic Data Processing
EECEuropean Economic Community
EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association
ESCEuropean National Shippers Councils
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
ETCElectronic Data Credits
ETDEstimated Time od Departure
FAKFreight All Kind
FCLFull Container Load
FFIFor Further Instruction
FMCFederal Maritime Commission,USA
FOBFree On Board
Feeder vesselA short-sea vessel used to fetch and carry goods and containers to and from deep-sea port
FreightThe amount of money payable for the carriage for goods.Some-times referred to "cargo" in marine transportation.
Freight TonThe weight/volume on which freight is charged
GAGeneral Average
GATTGeneral Agreement on Trade and Trade - an international multilateral agreement embodying a code of practice for fair trading in international commerce
GroupageConsolidation of several LCLconsignments into a container
H/LHeany Lift
Hague RulesThe 1924 International Convention on Carriage of Goods by Sea
Hague-Visby RulesThe 1968 Revision of the Hague-Rules
Hamburg RulesThe 19222 UNCTAD revision of the Hauge-Rules
House or DoorA movement starting or finifsh at customer\`s premises.Thus,"House/House" or "Door/Door" starts at the shippers premises and ends at the consignee\`s premises
IMDG Codealso Blue Book,International Maritime Dangerous Goods Coge
IMOInternational Maritime Organisation-a UN body
ISOInternational Standards Organisation
INCOTERMSThose properties of certain goods which lead to their arrival in damaged condition without accident or negligence
Inherent viceThose propertises of certain goods whivh lead their arrival in damaged condition without accident or negligence
L/CLetter of Credit
LCLLess than Container Load
L/ILetter id Indemnity
LLMCInternational Convention on Limitation of Liabilty for Maritime Claims
LO-LOLift On Lift Off
LinerA vessel plying a pattern of a trade on a defined route under a published sailing schedule
Liner TermsFreight payable which includes the cost of loading and unloading
MMOMulti Modal Operator
ManifestList of goods or passenger on a vessel
Measurement Ton1 cuble metre-one the alternative bases of a freight tariff
M/RMate\`s Receipt
NVOC(C)Non Vessel Operating (Common) Carrier
Notify PartyThe party to whom the ANF is sent
NYPEThe New York Produce Exchange charterparty-the mosst commonly used form of hire contract for vessel
OOGOut of Gauge
P&I ClubProtection and Indemnity Association
POAPlace of Acceptance
PODPlace of Delivery
Port or PierA movement starting at the vessel\`s side,as in the times of break bulk cargoes,so that the inland movement prior and subsequent to sea carriage is effected by the merchant
Principal CarrierThe carrier who issues the CTD,regardless of whether or not the goods are carried on his own,a third party\`s or a consortium member\`s vessel
RNRelease Note
RO-ROA ferry type vessel,onto which goods and containers can be driven usually via a ramp
ReeferA refrigerated vessel or container
SDRSpecial Drawing Rights
SOBShippedOn Board
ShipperThe person who tenders the goods for the carriage
Shut-outGoods not carried on the intended vessel
SlotThe space on board a vessel occupied by a container
Straight bill of ladingA peculiar American term for a negotiable bill of lading,like a "Waybill",governed by the US pommerene Act
Stuffing/StrippingThe action performed when packing or unpacking a container
TEUTwenty-Foot Equivalent Unit
THCTerminal Handling Charge
TIRTransport International Routiers
TTDThe TTD is a contract of carriage involving more than one carrier
TTOThrough Transport Operator
TariffThe terms and scale of charge-in the US trade the tariff must be notified in advance to the FMC
TerminalThe port or depot at which containers are laded or unloaded onto or from container vessles,railways or trucks
UCPUniform Customs and Practice of Documentaary Credits
UNCITRALUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNCONUncontainerable Goods
UNCTADUnited Nations Conference onTrade and Development
UNCTAD MMOUNCTAD Multi Modal Transport Convention